How to Study One Day Before Exam - My Strategies and Methods

My Strategy: Studying One Day Before Exam

Study for exam

    As we all know that everyone has to face an exam at least once a year. My teacher used to say that the person who sweats more in practice bleeds less in war. So practice is the most important thing to score well in exams. That's why I going to share with you the strategies that help me to study one day before an exam.

I did a lot of research but I thought that I should share with you my strategies and methods to study for the exam one day. That's why this article will be an experience base and I can't guarantee that it should work for you too.

But I can say that if it can work for me, no doubt it'll work for you too. My purpose is to acknowledge you with unique strategies that I use and after this, you will be able to study effectively even just a day before an exam.

Okay, here is the short list of some methods that I use before an exam you will be shocked to hear that I'm writing this article just before the day of my exam and tomorrow will be my paper. 

How to Study Before One Day for EXAM:

  • Planning the day A night Before
  • Making a mindset against distractions
  • Smashing the bed Early in the Morning
  • Revise taking short notes
  • Leave uncovered chapters
  • Study thoroughly with focus

  • Planning the day A night Before

Planning is the backbone of all types of practical practices and preparations. The person who plans the war can execute the most. So we can't neglect the planning session. It doesn't matter if you haven't done any planning before but to get more results you have to plan the day.

 A night before when you are about to sleep pick up your diary and plan the coming day. You will see that after planning you will get a great observation on how to finish the preparation and what strategies to use.

 Write down and break down sessions and chapters in your diary and make a mindset to execute all the plans like a warrior. 

  • Making a mindset against distractions
Say no to corruption, say no to distractions. A night before, collect all the distractions and put them somewhere, and commit not to grab any of them.

I know it's hard, but I do face problems regarding this and I can have explained the situation. These distractions are tricking us and there's no worry that one day we all die but distractions will kill us daily so think about it. 

Put your mobile phone laptop computer and all the technology devices away from your room, you can hand work all these to your parents so that you won't get distracted by the thoughts of all these materials, your parents want to see you without these devices. My parents will get another life if I hand over my phone to them. 

Say no to these distracting devices. 
Those who can control themselves will control the world 🌎
  • Smashing the bed Early in the Morning
Honestly, this is the most difficult task I've ever seen. You can conquer the world but you can't Wake up early in the morning.

This task demands firm determination and willpower. I have been trying daily to wake up early, setting 5 alarms, even though it's hard for me to wake up. 

The only solution I would have for it is to make your early morning tasks easier. When you plan the most difficult things for the morning, it makes everything hard for you to wake up. So until you can't wake up without alarms, try to break down and set the easier task for the morning like quick revision. 

During the whole day, the most effective and productive time is between 4:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. so try to utilize it wisely and don't be among the people who waste it on just a couple of naps.
Win the morning win the day
  • Revise taking short notes
Practice practice practice, I used to say it to myself Infront of a mirror. Now during exams, I change it to revise revise revise.

I would say that without revision the things you have studied will never benefit you. Reading is not studying but active study is learning. 

Revising actively will make the information stick to your brain and you'll be able to note down everything you have learned and revised in the paper. 

The thing you have right a day before, revise that one after one day after a week and a month and so on. Execute it correctly the first strategy will help you. Planning the whole month and revising sessions in the given sequence can help you execute it. 

Now we have only one day, we can't bother ourselves making strategies for the coming month. We have to be specific to this day to make the exam day efficient. Now here comes the active revising technique that I use.

Just after planning, start revising the chapters you have covered keeping in mind the important questions and MCQs. You have to read a lot of information in your brain to score well on another day. 

A here short note-making strategy that will help you. Writing will help you store more information for a longer time and you are not supposed to write down all the things you have learned. On the contrary right, the most important keywords are topic words in your notebook. 

So when you will be in the exam Hall with the paper, with the reference of dead keywords you will remember the explaining words and describing words easily. And you will finish the paper with joy and will be back home as a real hero and warrior. 

There's no difference between Revising and Practicing, those who quietly keep revising will master the topic. 
  • Leave uncovered chapters
Everything is just explaining the topic. I mean not to bother yourself in the chapters you have interacted very least. This is not the day to worry about it, rather you should strengthen your supporting topics.

Stop thinking about uncovered chapters and topics. If you try hard to remember these topics, you will fail. I'm not demotivating you but, indeed, the topic you couldn't cover in the whole year will never be covered in a day so stop worrying.

Make other chapters and topics easier for you to remember and that's it, you have done!

Stop worrying about the things you don't have or can't achieve and learn to be happy with what you have. 
  • Study thoroughly with focus
It's an extracted key point from the above revising topic. Now it's time to study.

Reading with a great focus can change it to active learning and remembering. As you have already in the room without any distraction, you can have a taste of focus and concentration. 

Here you will first a tiny issue. Whenever you tried to focus, you can focus for 10-minute maximum and your brain start thinking about surrounding materials and some other tasks.

This is the time when you have to play a mind game with your brain. Your brain will distract you and will disperse your thoughts. What you have to do is to force yourself and put everything you can to return your focus on the topic.
Sacrifice and pain are the most essential things in a great success.
So it's obvious that you have to overcome this pain. You will never be at a loss if you sacrifice some of your comfort zone for your goal and Future.

Today I have tried and shared my strategies with you. Hopefully, you will be able to execute it and I'm pretty sure that you can now study one day before the exam with no worries. With these strategies, it will be easy for you to study the day before the exam.

I have a question for you:

Thanks for Reading 



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