5 Things to do if you couldn't Score Well in BOARD EXAMS 2022

5 things to do if you couldn't Score Well in board Exams 

Have you just finished your board exams? Most of the students are expecting the best results and some aren't expecting much. The students are thinking that what to do if they couldn't score well in board exams? 

 It's really hard to accept that you couldn't score well on a board exam even after studying for hours. It looks embarrassing but it's not. 

Tell me! Have you put 100% for the exam? Did you give away everything you can so that you can score in the board exam?

If yes then you should admit that it's actually good for you. Don't say that I am getting mad, try to believe me.

Only a few students couldn't get their desired goals even after giving 24 hours Daily. 

There's only one point that can make you sad. What if I couldn't Score Well in board Exams? 

But they are a thousand reasons that can make you happier than ever. You should worry if you made a mistake like you don't study because of being lazy, not studying, wasting time, etc. 

You have tried your best and left the rest to God. And it's might God has a better plan for you.

Anyway, I am going to share with you five things that you can do if your board exams are not solved well.

As a student, I think these are the best things we can do to overcome the recent issues. I will never waste my time getting worried and stressed. I believe that the board exams can't limit our creativity and they can't decide how far we can go. So don't worry.


Ya, you should take a deep breath. Inhale and exhale. Make yourself stress-free and don't let any stress come in yourself. Forget all the worries forget all the problems you have and clean your mind from your past problems.

Do it because you don't have any other option to do. Getting set, feeling depressed, overthinking, and anxious cannot solve your problem.

It's just a waste of time and believes me that it will increase your problem.

So now I think about it. Just take a deep breath for getting all the problems, and put your brain in the condition that your brain starts feel like it never had a problem in your life.

No, you have tackled your brand and problems. It's time to think about the reason that fell you down. Find out the WHY behind it.

When you start getting answers you answer me as it happens because of lack of preparation, lack of motivation, lack of studying strategy, and lack of planning.

There's maybe one reason or more than one reason behind your failure. 

Okay, you have got the reason behind it, now write it down on paper and promise yourself that you will change this weakness into your strength.

Now you have good to go! You can solve this weakness by reading and then understanding that reason. You can read this article.

Deep breath. Inhale and exhale. Inhale and exhale. You can tackle every problem in this step. Finding the reason behind any problem will solve half of your problem immediately.


You can improve your marks by appearing in improvement exams. 

Improvement exams can help you get your desired marks and also help you come out with less motivation and depression because of not getting the desired marks.

Every board provides this facility for students. Many boards facilitate students in more easy ways. 

The Federal Board of intermediate and secondary education (FBISE) start its second annual examination in Pakistan which is the best step taken by any board in the century.

I don't know about all the boards but you can improve to your desire in just a year. 

Many people couldn't score well on their first attempt and it's not only you.

One of my brothers appeared in almost 20 tests in a year and he got selected in the 20th one.

This is the board of consistency and not getting distracted because of failure.

Failure cleans your way towards success. Those who couldn't see the failure site and always get success can never handle the problems of life.

A single thought of a second chance before availing the first chance will destroy your power to get it done in the first attempt. And the second chance can also help you get back your position as you'll have this chance in the end. 


What if you couldn't score well even in improvement exams?

No need to worry. You can appear in entrance exam tests and such colleges and universities that have eligibility criteria that meet your marks.

Take the test and get admission. Don't think that you couldn't make it to bigger universities, you can't make a better future. 

No one can guarantee that the students who passed out from the biggest universities can always have a successful life.

And also you can't say that the students were passed out from normal university have an unsuccessful life.

College matters a little for a successful career. It's your hard work and dedication that decides your future.

If you are a higher working student, doesn't matter where you're studying, believe that you will get what you want in the coming years. 

So take that mission and get admitted into the University and start giving your full potential.

Your successful career is just a few steps away from you. Just consider beating your thought about your past.

College matters a little. Your dedication and hard-working matter a lot. So focus on what takes more weight.


Some fields are getting competitive. Medical seats and engineering seats are nearly impossible to grab.

It doesn't mean that you can't make it to medical colleges or engineering colleges.

It's just that it's not necessary to grab a medical seat and an IIT seat. Do you think there are only these fields left for you?

If you think like that, you're wrong. There are only a few percentages of people who are working as medical officers and engineering officers and IIT officers.

All other students who desired medical seats are now working as IIT professionals.

Some students got into the business field and some are working in foreign countries.

The purpose of saying all these is that the world is getting digital day by day.

If you are trying for a medical seat to earning money and respect, then give your 100% for it.

If you couldn't then you should know that you can also earn money and respect by learning some digital skills.

There is a very high demand for some digital skills right now. The skills include video editing, graphic designing, logo designing, web development, and more. 

So learn at least any one skill when you have free time. Also, learn how to earn money online.

I can guarantee that if you dedicate and work hard on this digital skill, you can earn way more than any medical officer or surgeon.

The billionaires and millionaires at this time are not medical officers and engineers. 

These are all passionate about digital skills and the internet. 

So get your designed skill, you love to give time and learn. 

Freedom is the most wanted thing in everyone's life. In this time, freedom only comes when you work freely by your will by your choice. Freelancing and becoming digital is a blessing.


this is what we have just talked about. The world is too big and there are almost 70% of people who changed their goals and desired professions because of not getting selected for them.

70% of people still live a successful life. What do you have learned from it?

Do what makes you feel happy. Don't do those things you don't like because you can't get the maximum output from it.

Never think that if you are studying in a low-level college or medical college, you cannot grab the best career.

Your career and future are in your hand. Your hard work and dedication will never let you fall.

Stop thinking about people who are saying negative about yourself. Consider that people have nothing to do with themselves.

You are good to go, take only the points people's saying about you, that benefit you.

Dozens of ways will distract you but after walking on your desired road, you couldn't find more roads to step more. This is the time to step back and choose another way as like before. you'll love it.


A single sheet of paper cannot decide your future. This single quote is enough to motivate you.

If you couldn't make the best on this paper it's not the end. It's just the start of your journey from failure to success. 

You have tried to climb high but you fell down and now it's easier for you to cross the bridge.

Don't take the court negatively, if you aren't studying hard by describing that quote like this paper cannot decide my future and I don't need to study hard. 

This quote is only for those students who have tried their best and still couldn't make the way because of God's plan.

You had planned the best for yourself, but your God has planned something different for you.

So never get disappointed and leave everything to Allah and believe that Allah Almighty has planned something special for you.

So, it's all for today, hope you enjoyed it. I tried some motivational crispy words to help you come out of stress and it's all that can change our lives.

Thanks for reading and You are always welcome on this blog to get an updated version of yourself. These are all the 5 things to do if you couldn't Score Well in board Exams. I recommend you to continue reading this article:

How to Study One Day Before Exam - My Strategies and Methods

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